The range of damage done to bodies includes evisceration, rape,, and three cases where the body had been damaged by the impact to the point that visual identification was impossible. The remains of thirty-four individuals and nineteen vehicles have been found within 6.4 km of the affected roadway.

In ██% of cases, the target will flee with SCP-973 in pursuit and will be overtaken in 1-6 minutes. This is accompanied by a looping message played on the target’s radio, consisting of the phrase “Run, ”. When this limit is broken, SCP-973 will appear approximately 0.4 km behind the target vehicle and will chase down the target at high speed with the siren and flashers on. No predictable pattern or connection between differing limits has been found as of yet. This limit varies, with the average being in the area of 88.5 km/h (55 mph), but it can range anywhere between 53.3 km/h (35 mph) and 112.7 km/h (70 mph). SCP-973 will manifest at night when another vehicle enters the designated territory, and is believed to be triggered by the target vehicle accelerating over a certain speed. Subject is described as balding, slightly overweight, and having a handlebar mustache. SCP-973-2 is reported as a Caucasian male in his late forties, wearing a ███████ state trooper uniform dating from the same time period as SCP-973-1. The vehicle appears to be in an advanced state of disrepair: eyewitness accounts have consistently mentioned large dents in the doors and hood, a heavily cracked windshield, heavy rusting, and a loose rear bumper secured with duct tape. SCP-973-1 is a police cruiser, resembling those used by ███████ state troopers in the early 1970s.