November 2022
19 November 2022 - 14:37
Mass efect 3 mods
You can try restoring the last save from Origin:
If this fails then your saves are corrupt.
If it does work you can try to restore your old saves:.
Rename the Mass Effect 3 folder to Mass Effect 3 backup.
Go to %USERPROFILE%\ Documents\Bioware\.
10.14 Ashley glitches after activating Marksman power.
10.13 Textures become black as you approach them.
10.12.6 Multiplayer game using "Different Version".
10.12.2 Import From Mass Effect 2 Folder.
10.2 "Origin (EA) is no longer running.
10.1 Steam version suffers from significant FPS drops due to Origin in-game overlay.
9.2 "Tuchanka: Turian Platoon" mission doesn't progress in the last section.
5.2 Simultaneous Mouse and joystick support for Steam Controller users.
Om Mig: